There’s no escape from the bad economic news, so try to ignore it for a few minutes. Here are some ways to clear your head and end the recession:
1. Spend money. If you’re employed and have some money to spend, why not treat yourself to something small. Then you’ll be helping the economy and keeping someone employed. And they will have money to spend, etc.
2. If you don’t have money, spend some time not worrying about it. Take a walk and exercise. Stop and smell the roses. Okay, so they’re not in bloom yet. But there are pretty flowers around. Smell them.
3. Take a few deep breaths and think how lucky you are to live in a relatively peaceful country.
4. Go to the library and read about something new. Get a few ideas on how you can improve your future. Explore the internet. People watch.
5. Start a new online business and become an entrepreneur. Call Creative Juices and get a logo design and website. By spending money at Creative Juices you will help Chuck earn a living and then he will spend money and the economy will recover. Amazing but true.
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