January 7th marks the 30th Anniversary of the beginning of Creative Juices. It was the day my then partner, Max Parker, and I applied for our very first business license.
We started working out of my parents’ house in 1981. With a reconditioned Compugraphic typesetting machine and a drafting table we began. The customers trickled in and business took off.
Soon Creative Juices moved into a nearby storefront on Hawthorne Blvd. After a few years and growing pains, we moved to another storefront in downtown Torrance, in between a thrift store and a shoe repair shop. There was a Newberrys across the street and a tasty bakery down the block. They had really great tuna sandwiches and huge chocolate chip cookies.
Max soon left the juice factory to create Dogs of Design. We still worked together and moved into a new industrial park. Several moves and years later Creative Juices is now located in my own home office and Dogs moved to El Segundo.
The graphic design industry has changed quite a lot over the years. From typesetting and paste up to desktop publishing and the internet. In spite of all the ups and downs of recessions and the new online world of design, Creative Juices continues on. The future is online publishing, content creation and marketing. I look forward to many more years of learning and growing my business and yours. Check out more of the history of Creative Juices.